
To grasp the woman anti-aging skin care tips

To grasp the beauty of a woman anti-aging skin care pretty trick. Said a woman blossoming, blooming flower-like women, but also delicate flower-like, by not the ravages. Only open season to spend a year, while a woman's life can only be young once. Every woman wants to stay young, the time stops at the most beautiful moment, but time is getting, still make aging face in women's daily care, do something to slow aging it?
1 Note that the uptake of various nutrients:
Should first pay attention to protein intake, it can guarantee your vitality and to ensure the orderly conduct of various life activities. Can lower blood pressure, buffer anemia, promotion of antibody synthesis, prevent colds, enhance the function of the liver and spleen and other effects. Common protein-rich foods: eggs, fish, milk and dairy products, nuts, beans and so on.
Furthermore, we should pay attention to the absorption of vitamins, especially vitamin E, have to eliminate free radicals, anti-aging effect. Common foods rich in vitamin E include: malt, soy, spinach, cabbage, nuts and so on.
Trace elements also contribute to the anti-aging lycopene, lycopene-rich foods are tomatoes, eggplant, watermelon, grapefruit and so on.
Anthocyanins can be anti-aging, and the deeper the color, anti-aging effect is stronger. So black food has a very good anti-aging effects, such as black rice, black beans, black fungus and so on.

Many women often have constipation, obesity distress, this is the adequate intake of fiber. Cellulose in catharsis, detoxification, lowering blood pressure, obesity prevention and treatment of their effectiveness. Common cellulose-containing foods are: bamboo shoots, peppers, seaweed, mushrooms, white fungus, mushrooms, mulberries, cherries, dates, pomegranates, apples, pears and so on.
(2) insist on eating a healthy breakfast:
Nutritious breakfast can bring sufficient for a full day's tiring work refined gas, do not eat breakfast great harm! Not only hurt the stomach, but also make you feel tired, headaches, long-term do not eat breakfast, dry skin, prone to wrinkles, but also easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases, and particularly vulnerable to accelerated aging. So to remind you not pay attention to breakfast, face the importance of breakfast, to eat more eat well.
Covers the best breakfast cereals, fruits, dairy products and other foods. In order to achieve a comprehensive nutrition effect.

