
How to eliminate dark circles under the eyes?

Stay up all night to deal with dark circles
Late at night is a major incentive dark circles appear, however, because of work and other reasons, more and more owls, nature, panda eyes more and more people. Appears after staying up late to deal with dark circles, eye cream is certainly unavoidable. Want to go a little dark circles even better results in the best time is to apply eye cream with massage action, Opal clarisonic either to accelerate the absorption of cream around the eye but also can promote blood circulation. The four fingers rub, and then press the entire eyelid, from the inner corner of the eye direction of the temple began to push, and then middle finger temple, every time we click on all the land, so that bags under the eyes produce a certain pressure, and then quickly raised, so Oh, we can achieve good results.hdfuih67

Cream Selection Tips
First, because women's skin began very early contact with cosmetics, pulling back and forth easily lead to the appearance of fine lines, it is recommended that the girls from the age of 20 on the maintenance, start from fresh cream. Second, because the essence of the penetration and concentration are high, so the eye area first base, the maintenance would be better.

